Its primary mandate was - and is - two-fold: to promote energy security amongst its member 3 likes 1,924 views. Progress towards sustainable buildings and construction is advancing, Volume 5, Issue 6 p. 850-860. Review. an experimental quartz crystal microbalance study of tuning interfacial friction and slip lengths for aqueous suspensions of tio2 and al2o3 nanoparticles on planar platinum surfaces by external electric fields observed non-monotonic variation, with a profile attributed to the physical properties of interstitial water layers present between the IEA-ETSAP. Energy security, air quality, climate change and economic competitiveness are increasingly being factored in by decision makers. For calculating the emission reduction, all inputs, also emissions caused by hydrogen or energy added to the process, have to be accounted for. This session will provide a broad overview of corporate perspectives on the emerging bioeconomy. Clean energy technologies are progressing, but few on track Need to focus on all technologies; lack of progress on some puts even more pressure on others Outline of presentation Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 -the big picture. More from IEA-ETSAP (20) Carbon neutral Finland 2035 - impact assessments of national policies and mea. March 2017 Download This joint study looks at the potential for decarbonisation in the energy sector in G20 countries and around the world. Add To Calendar 06/26/2017 05:30 PM 06/26/2017 07:00 PM Catalyzing Energy Technology Transformations . 9:30-10:45 a.m. Plenary I: Corporate Investment in the Bioeconomy. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 3 April 2018 An evolving energy system Policy signals are needed to accelerate and steer its transformation A number of trends indicate that the global energy system is changing. The IEA report, titled "Energy Technology Perspectives 2017", says that only three out of 26 assessed technologies are on track to meet climate targets. Biogas from biomass appears to have potential as an alternative energy source, which is potentially rich in biomass resources. The potential of clean energy technology remains under-utilised Recent progress in some clean energy areas is promising, but many technologies still need a strong . Energy technology innovation can bring more benefits and facilitate transformation, but strong policy signals are needed. scaled-up deployment of available technologies and further development of technologies in the innovation pipeline, can support multiple policy LNG reshaping the global gas market International Energy Agency. The energy sector remains key to sustainable economic growth 1.2B people lack access to electricity; 2.7B people lack access to clean cooking Largest source of GHG emissions today, around two-thirds of global total Largest source of air pollution, linked to 6.5 million premature deaths per year hlbhfflbl OECD/IEA 2017 Similar to EF2007's Triple E scenario, EF2018's " Technology Case " explores a scenario where a global move towards reduced GHG emissions is driven by stronger policies and a faster adoption . According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) report,Energy Technology Perspectives 2017,3by 2050, fossil fuels will remain the primary source of hydrogen for the United States (~75%), Europe (~65%), and Japan (~85%). Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations Juho Lipponen, Head of CCS Unit, Acting Head of ETP Division Luis Munuera Energy Analyst ETP Division You will need to enter into a Licence Agreement with the IEA and pay a fee if you wish to use the IEA's data, including . Energy 108, 72-84 (2017) CrossRef Google Scholar This report was prepared by the Energy Technology Policy Division the within Directorate on Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks (STO) in co-operation with other directorates and offices of the International Energy Agency. Pushing energy technology to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 40 . Preview Data Explorer Embed Fullscreen. MATERIALS SCIENCE, ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, AND POWER ENGINEERING I: 1st International Conference on Materials Science, Energy Technology, Power Engineering (MEP 2017) . Resources. Energy is needed for: 1) providing clean drinking water to our homes; pumping water from 6) lakes and rivers, and 7) underground; 8) powering desalination systems; 9) pressurizing water for irrigation systems; 13) driving advanced wastewater treatment systems; 14) collecting and treating wastewater; and 15) water heating and cooling systems. New and innovative transportation technologies, such as electric vehicles and autonomous . The role of energy in mitigation of climate change (BC3 Summer School _July 2. Supplying cities with sustainable energy is a major challenge as this requires deep transformation of the supply infrastructure in order to reduce energy waste and rely on local renewable energy sources. IEA, Paris (2012) Google Scholar Kaldellis, J.K., Apostolou, D.: Life cycle energy and carbon footprint of offshore wind energy. Buy Energy technology perspectives 2017 by International Energy Agency from Waterstones today! Energy security, air quality, climate change and economic competitiveness are increasingly being factored in by decision makers. For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental group's annual Energy Technology Perspectives report, the 2017 edition published today, maps a "below 2C" scenario. Demand for consumer appliances and electronic devices is rising. The Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 has been released this week. International Energy Agency Interest has increased in the conversion of CO 2 into fuels and chemicals as a way to mitigate climate change, as a source of renewable feedstocks for fuels and industrial chemicals, and for energy storage. Energy Technology Perspectives International Energy Agency Published every two years, this report from the International Energy Agency examines the extent to which an energy technology revolution is taking place, the key technologies that are emerging, the costs and benefits of these technologies, and policies needed to foster their use. Abstract. Reuben Sarkar, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), DOE. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations Dave Turk, Acting Director, Directorate of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, IEA . ETP 2012 presents detailed scenarios and strategies . Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) highlights how energy innovation, i.e. Opening Keynote. Summary. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017: Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations: 9789264270503: Business Development Books @ Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen, I am delighted to unveil Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 today.The IEA is launching this report at a critical time for the world's energy system.Midway through 2012, the challenges are clear:Energy demand and prices are rising steadily.Energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2)emissions have hit record highs.Energy security concerns are at . This article gives an overview of present and future use of . 2017 Melchett Lecture . Similar to World Energy Outlook, 2017 (20) WEO 2017: China . scaled-up deployment of available technologies and further development of technologies in the innovation pipeline, can support multiple policy objectives while ensuring secure, reliable and affordable energy. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 Excerpt Informing Energy Sector Transformations INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY The International Energy Agency (IEA), an autonomous agency, was established in November 1974. Shell LNG Outlook - February 2017 Shell plc. Renew. There are no views created for this resource yet. Date and Time: June 26, 2017, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm CDT. How far can technology take us? Energy Technology provides a forum for researchers and engineers from all relevant disciplines concerned with the generation, conversion, storage, and distribution of energy. RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES: Issues and Perspectives (RETIP 2017) 1992 (2018) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH AND EDUCATION (RERE-2018) . Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 is a major new IEA publication focused on the technology needs and opportunities for reaching international climate and sustainable energy goals. The IEA hosted a biennial meeting of the GB at the Ministerial level on November 7-8, 2017. BC3 - Basque Center for Climate Change. It presented the IEA comprehensive analysis on the opportunities and challenges of scaling and accelerating the deployment of clean energy technologies to achieve climate . 16-20 This contrast results from the different perspectives on the term "utilization". It demonstrates how technologies - from electric vehicles to smart grids - can make a decisive difference in limiting climate change and enhancing energy security. The current literature is reviewed regarding the ecological, social, cultural and economic impacts of biogas technology. Energy security, air quality, climate change and economic competitiveness are increasingly being factored in by decision makers. This shows how to limit warming to around 1.75C above pre-industrial temperatures this century, roughly in line with Paris, which aims for "well below 2C" and preferably 1.5C. Energy Technology Perspectives 2020 is a major new IEA publication focused on the technology needs and opportunities for reaching international climate and sustainable energy goals. 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2012; . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . . Energy Technology Perspectives 2017: Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations 9264270507, 9789264270503 . As climate negotiators work towards a deal that would limit the increase in global temperatures, interest is growing in the essential role technology innovation can and must play in enabling the transition to a low-carbon energy system. For . Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over 25. Download Now. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017: Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations Thibaut Abergel, Adam Brown, Pierpaolo Cazzola, Steffen Dockweiler, John Dulac, Araceli Fernandez Pales, Marine Gorner, Raimund Malischek, Eric R Masanet, Samantha McCulloch, Luis Munera, Uwe Remme, Renske Schuitmaker, Tristan Stanley, Jacob Teter, Kira West Ernest Moniz served as the thirteenth United States Secretary of Energy from 2103 to January 2017. It demonstrates how technologies - from electric vehicles to smart grids -. Several senior-level staff from the Office of International Affairs, represent DOE at various IEA Committees including: Standing Group on Long-Term Cooperation. technology-specic support Private acons: PPPs, venture capital, corporate debt, equity investors Public support: declining, technology-neutral, holisc support Private acons: project acons, corporate debt Public support: accelerate adopon, market pull policies, system integraon Private acons: corporate and household budgets; bond markets Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 International Energy Agency. Energized Report 2019 Malabo-Montpellier-Panel. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) details these trends as well as the technological advances that will shape energy security and environmental sustainability for decades to come. In recent years, carbon capture and utilization (CCU) has been proposed as a potential technological solution to the problems of greenhouse-gas emissions and the ever-growing energy demand. Search, filter and download the IEA's library of charts and figures, spanning the full range of IEA analysis IEA Energy Technology Perspectives: . Energy Technology Perspectives 2015 International Energy Agency . Energy Technology Perspectives 2017: Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations Baltic Pathway towards Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Riga, 30 October 2017 Juho Lipponen, Acting Head of ETP Division, International Energy Agency .; Download; Scenario summary; ETP2017_industry_summa . Energy Technology. Technology area contribution to global cumulative CO 2 reductions Efficiency 40% Renewables 35% Fuel switching 5% Nuclear 6% CCS 14% Efficiency 34% Renewables 15% Fuel switching 18 . GLBAL STATUS REPRT 2017 6 Global Perspectives Buildings and construction together account for 36% of global final energy use and 39% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions when upstream power generation is included 1. industrial energy transitions 2009 2013 2015 2017 Global Cement India Cement Chemicalcatalysis CCS Hydrogen Brazil Cement India Cement Update Tentative: 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2012; 2010; 2008; 2006; . Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 International Energy Agency. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 International Energy Agency. Abstract. This flagship report offers vital analysis and advice on the clean energy technologies the world needs to meet . This . The study was designed and directed by Timur Gl (Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division). Energy use per GDP is projected to decline by 30% between 2017 and 2040 and energy use per capita is expected to decline 13% between 2017 and 2040. Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) is the International Energy Agency's most ambitious publication on energy technology. Guides IEA analyses of country energy policies and shares best practices. Thibaut Abergel, Adam Brown, Pierpaolo Cazzola, Steffen Dockweiler, John Dulac, Araceli Fernandez Pales, Marine Gorner, Raimund Malischek, Eric R Masanet, Samantha McCulloch, Luis Munera, Uwe Remme, Renske Schuitmaker, Tristan Stanley, Jacob Teter, Kira West . twothirds through a diversified energy technology mix . Examples of the water-energy nexus in today's society. Editor's Notes. ETP 2017 Webinar - Part I. Jul. Catalyzing Energy Technology Transformations, Featuring Eric Masanet, International Energy Agency . Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 ( ETP 2017) details these trends as well as the technological advances that will shape energy security and environmental sustainability for decades to come. 2009 07-breaking the-climate_deadlock-cn wiriana. Includes all figures from the report and the data behind them. Access to this content in the selected format requires a subscription or a prior purchase. What does a net-zero emission goal imply for the Swiss . More people are connecting to the grid as living standards improve around the world. A deep dive both into LNG and China. 3 Scenario definitions and model assumptions. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) details these trends as well as the technological advances that will shape energy security and environmental sustainability for decades to come. Energy security, air quality, climate change and economic competitiveness are increasingly being factored in by decision makers. To combat climate change and ocean acidification as a result of anthropogenic CO 2 emissions, efforts have already been put forth to capture and . 04, 2017. Starting from the premise that electricity will be an increasingly important vector in energy systems of the future, Energy Technology Perspectives 2014 (ETP 2014) takes a deep dive into actions needed to support deployment of sustainable options for generation, distribution and end-use consumption.In addition to modelling the global outlook to 2050 under different scenarios for more than 500 . Introduction. The slidedeck used by International Energy Agency Executive Director Dr Fatih Birol to introduce IEA's 2017 World Energy Outlook. Technology. In the TIMES-VTT model, there is a built-in fixed setup developed under Nordic cooperation [], representing development of the Nordic energy system in accordance with Nordic energy and climate policies until year 2030 in terms of end-use drivers, energy resources, technology options, country specific details etc. The potential of clean energy technology remains under-utilised Recent progress in some clean energy areas is promising, but many technologies still need a strong . Source: Energy Technology Perspectives 2017. Source: Chapter 2 of Perspectives for the energy transition - investment needs for a low-carbon energy system OECD/IEA 2017; for IRENA findings expressed in the Executive Summary and/or chapters 3 or 4: Source: [Executive Summary/Chapter [3/4]] of Perspectives for the energy transition These technologies are electric vehicles, energy storage and mature variable renewables (solar PV and onshore wind). English will present the IEA's newly-launched Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) 2017 . Optimal allocation of the EU carbon budget IEA-ETSAP. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) highlights how energy innovation, i.e. This free data set includes scenario and sectoral data from Energy Technology. This new journal shall publish articles covering all technical aspects of energy process engineering from different perspectives, e.g., new concepts of energy generation . Energy Technology . The energy mix is being redefined; in the power sector, renewables and nuclear capacity additions supply the majority of demand growth. Pushing energy technology to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 could meet the mid-point of the range of ambitions expressed in Paris. See the full report or the executive summary. The global energy system is changing. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017: Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations. Comparison with onshore counterpart. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) details these trends. As Secretary, he advanced energy technology innovation, nuclear security and strategic stability, cutting-edge capabilities for the American scientific research community, and environmental stewardship. Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) is the International Energy Agency's most ambitious publication on energy technology. International Energy . Solar Energy Resources >. This was the first webinar in the series of two. World Energy Outlook, 2017 Both reports were written by IEA Consultant Julien Armijo under the supervision of IEA Senior Analyst Cdric Philibert. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP 2017) details these trends as well as the technological advances that will shape energy security and environmental sustainability for decades to come. 1-20 The electrolysis of CO 2 to form CO, formic acid, and other compounds has been observed at industrially relevant rates, 21-39 and the processes have high selectivity. Chapter 3, "Global Energy Transition Prospects and the Role of Renewables", highlights findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This is an overview of some salient points and perspectives of biogas technology. Learn more about the office's work at our events and webinars. Indeed . Use of this data is subject to the IEA's terms and conditions . Download to read offline. Focus on CCS IEA: Energy Technology Perspectives 2012: Pathways to a Clean Energy System. Similar to Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (20) Clean Energy Ministerial: Tracking Progress and Identifying Further Opportuni. Building such a sustainable energy system requires a sound understanding of its entire supply chain and conversion steps from . The Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) accelerates the advancement and deployment of solar technology in support of an equitable transition to a decarbonized economy. The potential of clean energy technology remains under-utilised Recent progress in some clean energy areas is promising, but many technologies still need a strong push to achieve their full potential and deliver a sustainable energy future. The International Energy Agency has completed two reports that examine the economics of hydrogen and ammonia production based on wind and solar electricity generation. Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 Catalysing Energy Technology Transformations Keisuke Sadamori, Director The Canon Institute for Global Studies, Tokyo, 20 July 2017 . If you are at a subscribing institution OR have personally purchased access in the past 60 days: This free data set includes scenario and sectoral data from Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, as well as all the data behind the figures in the report.