Jim Gogolinski, iboss VP of Research and Intelligence, provided insights on the 2022 threat landscape and what organizations can do to best protect . What we have seen in the past 18 months, however, is a shift in tactics: targets have shifted to ever-larger organizations, and the business model that dictates how ransomware attacks occur has evolved. Cisco Umbrella provides a cloud-delivered network security service that blocks advanced attacks, as well as. Identifying and containing a data breach takes 287 days on average. The ENISA Threat Landscape (ETL) report is the annual report of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA, on the state of the cybersecurity threat landscape. This webinar provides an . Twitter. In addition to the most common IPS detections overall, we wanted to keep an eye on potential up-and-comers . 2 significant events that changed the threat landscape . Ransomware attacks have taken their motives and execution to a whole new dimension and today schools and government organisations are just a few of the recent victims. The Cyber Threat Landscape 2022 While 2021 started on a positive note for cyber security, with the disruption of the Emotet malware strain which had been a major threat (especially to the banking sector) since 2014; it ended negatively, with the emergence of a new, potentially critical vulnerability in Apache's Log4j utility, used in systems . For this document, we will discuss cyber threats as the intersection of the following when applied in the context of a hostile actor (also known as a threat actor): Intent. Cybersecurity professionals be warned: 2022 offers no respite from the wave of cybercrime that's tormented enterprises these past couple of years. Threat landscape for industrial automation systems. Trend Micro isn't alone in sounding the alarm on deepfakes. Today's DDoS attacks are reaching new heights in terms of rate, frequency, and complexity. Cybersecurity was already a fast-moving sector prior to Covid-19. As new cyber threats emerge daily, the threat landscape changes accordingly. 85.3% of organizations experienced a successful cyberattack in the last 12 months in one survey, showing that there is a constant stream of attempted attacks. 2022 is proving to be the year of attacker diversity, with actors exploiting new methods, such as email compromise, leading to extortion. We know this list is not exhaustive, even though we feel confident that these seven threats are some of the most significant cybersecurity challenges your business will face in 2022. Government agencies, independent newspapers and public service providers need it to function and individuals need to communicate safely. Unsurprisingly, the impact of COVID-19 has remained an evergreen topic, with the pandemic still acting as a catalyst for the spread of malware. THREAT LANDSCAPE FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS. 08 September 2022. Key Takeaways. Additionally, 1 in 5 survey respondents who experienced a DDoS attack reported being subject to a ransom DDoS attack or other threats. Key Findings From the 2022 Unit 42 Ransomware Threat Report. Watch SecurityHQ's very own Security Monitoring and Incident Response Lead, Aaron Hambleton and Security Analyst, Nikhil Mohanlal, discussing some of the greatest threats of 2021, trends that developed throughout 2021, what we learnt from these threats and attacks, and what that means for 2022. malware, botnets and phishing threats regardless of port, protocol or application. . 2022 Global Threat Report Download Report The Year in Numbers Adversaries in 2021 Key Insights Related Resources The Year of Adaptability and Perseverance The 2021 threat landscape became more crowded as new adversaries emerged. As DDoS attacks become more frequent, varied, and sophisticated, it is critical that we regularly communicate the Imperva Threat Research team's findings and expert analysis to help . The threat landscape is always evolving. The battle can be won. This report is based on an analysis of statistical data collected through the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), a distributed antivirus network. A recent online survey that VMware conducted of 125 cybersecurity and incident response professionals also found that deepfake-enabled . It's challenging to prioritize focus in a rapidly evolving threat landscape. The global cybersecurity awareness training market is projected to grow at a CAGR value of 6.2% (2022 - 2027). Threat landscape for industrial automation systems for H1 2022 Industrial threats 08 Sep 2022 minute read Table of Contents H1 2022 in numbers Geography Threat sources Regions Industry specifics Diversity of malware Ransomware Malicious documents Spyware Malware for covert cryptocurrency mining Authors Kaspersky ICS CERT H1 2022 in numbers uses machine learning to automate protection against emergent threats before your organization is attacked. Using cybersecurity to help manage volatility in the global threat landscape. Ransomware remains the number one threat for most organizations . At the same time, the existing ones are constantly updating their capabilities following each other's pace and introducing game-changing features. Other targeted threat predictions for 2022 include: Mobile devices exposed to wide, sophisticated attacks. These are some of the key findings from the 2022 ASM Threat Report, based on observable data from 100+ organizations and not self-reported surveys: Cloud Continues to Be a Security Nightmare Nearly 80% of all issues observed on the global attack surface were in the cloud. The lines between personal and corporate networks are blurred with so many working from home, and threat actors are looking to exploit that trend . This report dives into the DDoS attack threat landscape in Q2 of 2022 and uncovers: . The threat landscape is shifting, and companies must keep pace. Overview. The main factors contributing to the dynamic threat landscape include: Organisations across EMEA spanning a multitude of different industries are now more likely than ever to be victimised by a cyber-attack than they were just a few years ago . The cybersecurity threat landscape is vast, and we are often faced with the challenge of keeping in touch with novel attack techniques and new attack surfaces. The beauty of this simplistic definition is . As enterprises continue to transition to storing data and offering services through the cloud, we will continue to see an increase in threat activity relevant to all forms of cloud . The CrowdStrike 2022 Global Threat Report is one of the industry's most anticipated reports and trusted analyses of the modern threat landscape and adversary universe. Activity observed in Q1 2022 highlights that the threat landscape remains complex, despite a decrease in ransomware incidents and the disruption and exposure of a number of key threat groups. The Threat Detection Report exists to help you understand and detect threats, and is based on in-depth analysis of more than 30,000 confirmed threats detected across our customers' environments. Add the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on . Whenever we discuss the cybersecurity threat landscape, it is helpful to agree on a threat definition. Prior to this, on March 1, 2022, Wordfence reported on an attack campaign on Ukrainian university websites. Published July 29, 2022 Language Executive We just published the 2022 Threat Detection Report, which encompasses the latest trends, threats, and techniques prevalent over the course of 2021. Topher Tebow August 9, 2022 Ukrainian Website Threat Landscape Throughout 2022 The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 20, 2022. Join Axios for a virtual event examining the cyber threat landscape, the wide-ranging impact of attacks and how nations and the private sector are collaborating on . An update on the threat landscape Mar 07, 2022 3 min read S Shane Huntley Director, Threat Analysis Group Online security is extremely important for people in Ukraine and the surrounding region right now. . CTU researchers observed the following high-level trends across the threat landscape: 01. By investing in proactive threat monitoring and detection solutions, clinics, hospitals and research facilities will be able to guard against the rising tide of targeted attacks, giving themselves a clean bill of health for 2022 and beyond. As a remote working, hybrid workplace, and digitalization continue to rise in 2022, the risk of cyberattacks remains high. July 11, 2022. View report online Download the DBIR. The report pulled data from actual incident response cases, as well . . Here's what we learned: 4 NEW YORK, February 28, 2022--Deep Instinct, the first company to apply end-to-end deep learning to cybersecurity, today unveiled findings from its bi-annual Threat Landscape Report. While these tech trends grow, the amount of data created increases as well. Stay Ahead with Kroll Cyber Risk 2022 Data Breach. 8.6% - the percentage of ICS computers on which spyware was blocked. For details, please read the "Cyber Security Threat Trends 2022-M07" report. Cyber threats have taken over 2022 and they show no sign of stopping. Examining the Cyber Threat Landscape in 2022. Digital adoption has rapidly accelerated and as a result, the threat surface has also expanded. The CyberArk 2022 Identity Security Threat Landscape Report Massive Growth of Digital Identities Is Driving Rise in Cybersecurity Debt. Cyber crime continues to grow, now passing narcotics in size. During the second quarter of 2022, Imperva detected and mitigated record-breaking DDoS attacks that were able to maintain extremely high rates over a period of several hours as opposed to only minutes. The threat landscape changed drastically in 2021 due to a few significant events. Gain vital cybersecurity insights from our analysis of over 23,000 incidents and 5,200 confirmed breaches from around the worldto help minimize risk and keep your business safe. The Deep Instinct Threat Research team monitored attack volumes and types and extrapolated their findings to predict where the future of cybersecurity is heading, determine what motivates. . The OT Threat Landscape in 2022 Ransomware attacks against operational technology (OT) are increasing, spurred on by the convergence of IT and OT networks and the accessibility of attack kits available on the dark web. GovCERT.HK keeps observing the cyber security threat trends and shares some observations in July 2022 as follows: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and ransomware attacks remain significant threats affecting organisations' operation and data. In October 2021, ENISA released the 9th edition of the report that covers a period of reporting starting from April 2020 up to July 2021. This will necessitate a review of how companies of all levels are responding to a bigger scale of sophisticated threats. April 6, 2022. By mid-March it was clear the cyber-war had begun, and the attacks have been consistent ever since. The Deep . Interrelated threats targeting an interdependent world As we move into 2022, ransomware shows no signs of slowing down - that's no surprise. Threat Landscape Q1 2022 Threat Landscape: Threat Actors Target Email for Access and Extortion May 18, 2022 In Q1 2022, Kroll observed a 54% increase in phishing attacks being used for initial access in comparison with Q4 2021. New TTPs emerge regularly as attackers bid to stay one step ahead of network defenders. As we look ahead to 2022, there will be new and evolving cybersecurity challenges on the horizon for . From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic EMEA has seen an exponential surge in cyber attacks. To help you and your business feel confident in your ability to protect yourself against the threats that continue to come our way, this report looks back on the cyber threat landscape of the first half of 2022 using our global array of sensors monitored by FortiGuard Labs . To put all this activity into context and shed some light on the scope and direction of the ransomware landscape, our threat researchers and security consultants created the 2022 Unit 42 Ransomware Threat Report. As we conclude, a reminder the cyber threat landscape moves fast. Ransomware Threat Landscape 2022: Lessons Learned & Review of Attack Trends. The Threat Landscape in 2022 - Cyber Criminals Targeting Cloud Infrastructure is on the Rise By Prangya Pandab - January 25, 2022 52 No one can accurately forecast what catastrophes may loom on the horizon, but by examining current events, one can plan to guard against what is most likely to occur. The Cyber Threat Landscape for 2022 Darkens. The mobile malware landscape in 2022 - Of Spyware, Zero-Click attacks, Smishing and Store Security. Capability. A GROWING IDENTITIES PROBLEM. We want to share some of the most interesting findings as well as providing some ideas on how you can use VirusTotal to track these attacks by yourself. Start Now: Stop These 7 Threats Before They Strike . Based on the findings, ransomware has adapted and evolved, becoming more efficient and causing more devastating attacks. The threat landscape is vast. While the ongoing war in Ukraine continued to be the primary driver of geopolitical risk, possible EU and NATO expansion - and new sanctions on Russia . White Paper The Ransomware Threat Landscape: What to Expect in 2022 Download Now Evolving TTPs One of the key trends noted in this research is the constantly evolving set of tools, tactics, and procedures (TTPS) employed by ransomware attackers. Amidst the rise in global cyber threats, leaders are assessing how to combat attacks and minimize the damage. Global Threat Landscape 2022 Forecast. 2022 IoT and OT threat landscape assessment report Overview The 2022 Threat landscape report prepared by Sectrio's Threat Research Team has analyzed cybersecurity from five perspectives viz., the evolution of threat vectors, mode of attacks, cyberattacks logged, targets attacked, and cybersecurity gaps exploited. Rethinking Vulnerability Management in a Heightened Threat Landscape. in the Philippines 2022. Industry news cycles often highlight the latest concerns that defenders need to be aware of - whether it's the rise in ransomware, attacks by state-sponsored threat . The 2022 MSP Threat Report includes a timeline of significant cybersecurity in 2021. The current state of the UK's cyber threat landscape was outlined by Marsha Quallo-Wright, deputy director for critical national infrastructure at the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), during a keynote address on the final day of Infosecurity Europe 2022. With the year 2022 rapidly approaching, CISOs get ready to face new and increasing cybersecurity challenges. View livestream here. PDF document, 1.67 MB This report aims to bring new insights into the reality of ransomware incidents through mapping and studying ransomware incidents from May 2021 to June 2022. In the second quarter of 2022, threat actors continued to exchange ideas on how to maneuver within the economic and political constraints brought on by the conflict in Ukraine. #cybercrime #cegalway Notable adversary updates include: 21 Newly named adversaries in 2021 45% Increase in interactive intrusions 62% In this report, we explore some of the most recent, hard-hitting cyberattacks. Summary From a broad perspective, the cyber-threat landscape has been impacted by post-pandemic related digital migration towards increased work-from-home, and an evolving cyber-war environment resulting from the Ukrainian conflict. Every year, Proofpoint's threat experts examine trends from the prior year and anticipate changes in the threat landscape for the year ahead. The 2022 cybersecurity threat landscape. For 2022, some of the top concerns include the evolving threats presented by initial access brokers, ransomware affiliates, easy and widespread access to commodity malware and rising insider threats. Cyber attackers take advantage of this transitory period through data breaches that target small and medium-sized . Our approach was cross-checking OSINT data related to attacks targeting financial institutions with VirusTotal intelligence to shed some light on how these threats are evolving during 2022. Mobile devices have always been a tidbit for attackers, with smartphones travelling along with their owners everywhere, and each potential target acting as a storage for a huge amount of valuable information. Posted: 19 Jan, 2022 6 Min Read Threat Intelligence Follow The Threat Landscape in 2021 Symantec takes a look at the cyber security trends that shaped the year From the evolving ransomware ecosystem to attacks against critical infrastructure, Symantec looks back over the cyber-security trends that shaped 2021. NEW YORK, NY, February 28, 2022 - Deep Instinct, the first company to apply end-to-end deep learning to cybersecurity, today unveiled findings from its bi-annual Threat Landscape Report.The Deep Instinct Threat Research team extensively monitored attack volumes and types and then extrapolated their findings to predict where the future of cybersecurity is heading, determine what motivates . 2022 Data BreachInvestigations Report. Investigations Report. updated Aug 18, 2022 The threat landscape means the entire scope of potential and recognized cybersecurity threats affecting user groups, organizations, specific industries, or a particular time. Download the eBook. Every major IT or digital initiative results in increasing interactions between people, applications and processes, creating large numbers of digital identities . The 2022 MSP Threat Report is the output of this research. Statistics for H1 2022 . The year 2022 will be one of greater resiliency and incorporating it into all parts of enterprise operations. ESET Threat Report T2 2022 A view of the T2 2022 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts Roman Kovac 5 Oct 2022 - 11:30AM. Developed based on the firsthand observations of the CrowdStrike Intelligence team and Falcon OverWatch elite threat hunters, combined with insights drawn from the vast . As today's modern workforce continues to work from 'anywhere,' threat actors are constantly looking for new ways to evade detection and target victims. In June 2022, ransom attacks peaked to the highest in the year so far, according to a Cloudflare threat report. Within the cyber threat landscape, ransomware has become one of the highest offenders to-date, costing organisations extortionate in damage and losses. The business world is increasingly distributed, and in Q2 2022, an average of 8.3% of endpoints tried to access malicious URLs. It's a big reason why "Attacks on the Edge" made our top 5 threats to watch in 2022 . Over the last two years, the range of targets that represent operational technology and critical infrastructure has grown. STATISTICS FOR H1 2022 3 2022 AO KASPERSKY LAB Malware varieties: 7219 - how many malware families were blocked on ICS computers. Opportunity. Security and risk management leaders must address seven top trends to protect the ever-expanding digital footprint of modern organizations against new and emerging threats in 2022 and beyond, according to Gartner, Inc. "Organizations worldwide are facing sophisticated ransomware, attacks on the digital supply chain and deeply embedded vulnerabilities," said Peter Firstbrook, research vice . Navigating the world of common cyber threats is becoming increasingly complex and faster-paced. Our predictive intelligence. 2022 mobile threat landscape update 31 May 2022 Intro 2022 started with several new Android banking Trojans appearing on the threat landscape. The global information security market is expected to be worth $170.4 billion in 2022. Sep 15, 2022 3 min read Every month in this space, we will post the State of the Global DDoS Threat Landscape blog on behalf of the Imperva Threat Research team. The data was received from those KSN users who have given their voluntary consent to have data . Our Threat Research team publishes a thorough review of the most significant cyber threats and trends from the past year along with predictions that may help security professionals prepare for threats and vulnerabilities to come. Here's what cybersecurity watchers want infosec pros to know heading into 2022. . Download this report to learn: Which malware and ransomware families were the most disruptive to organizations in 2021 2022 Predictions: Cyber Threat Landscape Each of our threat reports includes predictions for the year, and in parallel, reviews of how accurate our previous predictions were. 55% of enterprises plan to increase their cybersecurity spendings and 51% plan to add cybersecurity staff to their IT teams in 2021.