Ohio Local Rule 27 Holiday break visitation. 11. This process equalizes itself over the course of time for each parent. In addition, the non-possessory parent shall be entitled to telephone or electronic (i.e. The new Rule provides that the parents shall agree on when parenting time will occur, but in the absence of an agreement one of four options will be chosen:

Pleas Domestic Relations and Juvenile Division. (717) 261-3858. time is spent with the same parent, there is no need for that parent to d. Hours for parents who cannot agree are as follows: Martin Luther King Day (6:00 p.m. on Friday to 6:00 p.m. on Monday); President's Day (6:00 p.m. on Friday to 6:00 p.m. on Monday); Spring Break (6:00 p.m. on the day school is out to 6:00 p.m. the day before school recommences); Memorial Day and Labor Day (6:00 p.m. Friday to 6:00 p.m. Monday); July 4th (6:00 p.m. on July 3 to 6:00 p.m. on July 4); Beggar's Night (4:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.); Thanksgiving (6:00 p.m. on the day school lets out to 6:00 p.m. Sunday); Winter Break (first half commences at 6:00 p.m. the day school lets out, until December 25 at 6:00 p.m.; second half commences at 6:00 p.m. December 25 until 6:00 p.m. the day before school recommences). 4. Open in Google Map. whether or not a school age child resides in the family. PC APRIL 8TH SMP HEARING DRAFT. c. The non residential parent shall notify the residential parent as least two days in advance of any time the non residential parent will be in the area and wants parenting time. This overnight shall be Wednesday unless otherwise agreed. agree are 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Brothers and sisters attend the number, and such other pertinent information necessary to effectuate a be at the parents' respective homes. This alternating weekend schedule shall not change, even when interrupted by holiday and birthday, summer and/or vacation parenting time. The alternating weekend parenting time continues, however, as if the holiday had not intervened. Children can call either parent as often as they wish, at reasonable times, so long as the call is collect if it is a long distance call. The parent with whom they are This alternating weekend schedule shall not change, even when 1. MODEL PARENTING TIME SCHEDULE FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT DOMESTIC AND JUVENILE DIVISIONS FOR PARENTS TRAVELING UNDER 90 MILES ONE WAY: The parent exercising weekday overnight parenting time shall be responsible for all transportation during this parenting time. 12. Vacations: Each parent may arrange an uninterrupted vacation of not more than two weeks with the children. in odd-numbered years. 17. Deals specifcally with divorce actions. to these activities. Parties shall also decide and provide in the plan where the child(ren) shall be picked up and dropped off. schedule. Attorneys receiving appointments to serve as guardian ad litem shall be familiar with the following rules and be able to apply them to their practice: Sup. In Option B, the parent who has the children from Monday at 6:00 p.m. to Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. is the parent responsible for picking up the children from school/day care on Monday afternoon and taking the children to school/day care on Wednesday morning, and the parent who has the children from Wednesday at 6:00 p.m until Friday at 6:00 p.m. is responsible for picking the children up from school/day care on Wednesday afternoon and taking them to school/day care on Friday morning. non-emergency and/or critical illness, then any missed parenting time 3. The parents shall attempt, in good faith, to renegotiate an appropriate and beneficial new parenting time schedule. Geauga County, Ohio. d. Hours for parents who can not agree are as follows: Martin Luther King Day (9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.); Spring Break (6:00 p.m. on the day school is out to 7:00 p.m. the day before school recommences); Memorial Day and Labor Day (6:00 p.m. Friday to 6:00 p.m. Monday); July 4th (9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next day); Thanksgiving (6:00 p.m. Wednesday to 6:00 p.m. Sunday); Winter Break (first half commences at 6:00 p.m. the last day of school before Winter Break begins, until December 25 at 1:00 p.m.; second half commences at 1:00 p.m. December 25 until 6:00 p.m. the day before school recommences). The children shall transition from one parents residence to the other every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. unless the parties agree upon a different day and time. 8. residential parent shall notify the non residential parent at least two you engage in with your children, skills you teach them, or friends you The other parent shall have the remaining weekday parenting time. The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time. Frequent contact with both parents is recommended for very young children. This means that one parent may have the children Children can call either parent as often as they wish, at reasonable times, so long as the call is collect, if it is a long distance call. Day, and the first half of Winter Break. If the parties cannot agree which half of the summer they prefer, in Any comments, questions, or concerns regarding EMS service in Franklin County should be directed to Ryan M. Buckingham, Director of Emergency Management at ryan.buckingham@franklincountyil.gov or by phone at (618) 439-4362. b. In the even-numbered years, the schedules The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time (Options A, C, and D) shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time. Rule 45 - Change Of The Trial Assignment Date. The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time. Moving: Please call 614-525-3600, and ask to be transferred to the selected Division. Each parent's time is calculated by taking the number of intervening weeks (full and/or partial) and dividing in half. If the parties cannot agree, then the regular Weekday/Weekend parenting time schedule shall take precedence. Mother's Day and Father's Day are to be spent with the appropriate parent. Frequent contact with both parents is recommended for very young children. 12. This alternating weekend schedule shall not change, even when interrupted by holiday and birthday, summer and/or vacation parenting time. Moving: Upon either parent learning that he/she will be moving, he/she shall immediately notify the other parent except in those circumstances wherein notice is not required by R.C. c. Possessory parent shall not interfere with or stop the telephone communication. children. Summer school necessary for the child(ren) to pass to the next grade must be attended. Commencing in 2022 and every five (5) years thereafter, provide, at the attorneys expense, an updated criminal and civil background check. Each parent shall schedule this vacation during his/her half of the summer. Maryellen O'Shaughnessy was first elected in 2008 to serve the people of Franklin County as Clerk of Courts. R. 48.03(A) and I below. Weekend: A once-a-month, weekend visit to the non residential parent's home shall be permitted if the child's traveling time does not exceed THREE AND ONE HALF HOURS, one way. In addition, the non-possessory parent shall be entitled to telephone or electronic (i.e. This schedule does not affect support payments. Rules), as amended. Provide a copy of the applicants resume, stating the applicants training, experience and expertise which will allow the applicant to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of a guardian ad litem. Holiday and birthday celebrations with either parent shall not be missed, requiring scheduling of the vacation around these events. All prescribed medication shall be exchanged between the parents. The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time.

The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time. that he/she will be moving, he/she will immediately notify the other Walking Distance to Courthouse Parking lots located furthest away from the Franklin County Courthouse, as shown on the Public Parking Map, are an estimated 8-10 minute walk. not less than 15 minutes per call. Parenting time with the other parent is missed during vacation, and there is no requirement that it be made up. Please Enter your Name and Email to Subscribe the Newsletter, Directions to Weekday and alternating weekend parenting time shall be exercised by the parent who is not exercising his/her half of the summer. Holiday parenting time shall not be observed, except as follows: The non-residential or non-custodial parent shall have the child for Thanksgiving parenting time from Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. until Thursday evening at 8 p.m., Winter Break parenting time from 6 p.m. Christmas Eve to 6 p.m. Christmas Day in even-numbered years or 6 p.m. Christmas Day to 6 p.m. December 26 in odd-numbered years, Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends from 6 p.m. Sunday to 6 p.m. Monday, and Mother's Day or Father's Day (whichever is applicable) from 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. c. The non-residential or non-custodial parent shall be responsible for all transportation to exercise the above parenting time. Local Rules govern practice and procedure for cases filed in the Franklin County Municipal Court and are adopted consistent with the Ohio Constitution, Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure, and the Rules of Superintendence. I am scheduled to get the kids from 12/21 6pm to 12/25 1pm. Liberal parent, including dates, locations, addresses, and telephone numbers. The children shall transition from one parent's residence to the other every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. unless the parties agree upon a different day and time. The other parent shall have the remaining weekday parenting time.

b. The parent who has the weekend is responsible for picking up the children from school/day care on Friday afternoon and taking them to school/day care on Monday morning. Rule 35 - Classification Of Cases, Deadlines, Timing. Changes or modifications can be made by the Court if need for such is shown. These do not have to be made up. Updated criminal and civil background checks may be requested in writing at any time by the court. 14. Weekdays: Mother/ Father (circle one) shall have one weekday overnight per week from 6:00 p.m. until the next morning to school/day care or 8:00 a.m., whichever is applicable. 9. However, if any shall be provided for the other parent, including dates, locations, second half of Winter Break. The parties may designate a licensed, insured driver known to the children to provide any of this transportation, if necessary. Emergency Contact: Both parents shall at all times, regardless of whether the children are with him/her, provide the other parent with a telephone number for contact in the event of an emergency. Alternate weekend parenting time with the other parent is missed during vacation, and there is no requirement that it be made up. Absent extraordinary circumstances, This means that one parent may have the children three weekends in a row. Infants (Birth to 18 Months): The court recognizes that parenting time with infants carries unique concerns because of the required skills of the parents and the needs of the child. 5. If the parties cannot agree which half of the summer they prefer, in the even-numbered years, the first half of the summer shall be spent at the home of the non-residential parent, and in the odd-numbered years, the second half. These do not have to be made up. Current Rules. from either home when the children are in that parent's care. FOR PARENTS TRAVELING UNDER 90 MILES ONE WAY: This schedule is merely a guideline for parenting time. The parent who is exercising parenting time shall pick up the children. One weekday evening per week from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. which shall be Rule), as amended. The parenting time option selected below does not necessarily affect support obligations. 13. 10. next grade must be attended. the day after the children are out of school and continues until seven with him/her, provide the other parent with a telephone number for Local Rules of Juvenile Procedure. In addition, Local Rule 27 provides different model parenting time schedules for parents traveling under 90 miles and for parents traveling over 90 miles, with significant differences between the two schedules.

At arraignment the defendant, or counsel, may enter one of the following 4. a. FaceTime, Skype) communication of reasonable duration with the children not less than three times per week. No personal checks are accepted. How Has Franklin County Local Rule 27 Changed? Additionally, regardless of how much time each parent spends with the very young children. 373 S High St - 24th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 View Map. It is the parties' responsibility to tailor this schedule as necessary to meet 11. MODEL PARENTING TIME SCHEDULE FRANKLIN COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT DOMESTIC AND JUVENILE DIVISIONS. smooth move for the children. during his/her half of the summer. Local Rule 27was modified effective January 1, 2015 and is now known as Local Rule 27.1. 4.100 - 4.199 General Rules. Except as provided in the court order, each parent shall keep the other Absent extraordinary circumstances, this parenting time shall occur. For any and all children required by law to ride in a car seat, the Emergency Contact: Both parents shall at all times, regardless of whether the children are with him/her, provide the other parent with a telephone number for contact in the event of an emergency. Saved Successfully. . In the event of a conflict between regular parenting time and holiday Children can call either parent as often as they wish, at reasonable Additionally, regardless of how much time each parent spends with the children, there are many opportunities to be involved in their lives, such as participation and attendance at their school, sporting and extracurricular activities. CLE credits are available for attorneys for e-Filing training through the Columbus Bar Association. Waiting: Neither parent shall be more than 30 minutes late picking up the children without notice to the other parent. from the child support schedule. For a holiday falling on a Friday, parenting time commences Thursday at 6:00 p.m. and continues to Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m.; or for a holiday falling on a Monday, parenting time commences Friday at 6:00 p.m. and continues to Monday at 6:00 p.m. b. The parent exercising weekday overnight parenting time shall be responsible for all transportation during this parenting time. summer. Fayette County, Ohio. LOCAL DOMESTIC COURT RULE 27 / LOCAL JUVENILE COURT RULE 22. Vacations: Each parent may arrange an uninterrupted vacation of not more than two (2) weeks with the children. The parents shall attempt, in good faith, to renegotiate an appropriate and beneficial new parenting time schedule. parents and on an annual basis. This schedule does not Emergency Contact: 10. Parents shall notify each other of their vacation plans by May 31 each year, and in the event of a conflict, mother's schedule shall prevail in odd-numbered years; father's schedule shall prevail in even-numbered years. 13. Guardians ad litem are under an ongoing duty to notify the court of changes in their status, including address, telephone number, or ability to receive appointments (whether based on their current case load or other reasons). *This rule applies to orders and entries journalized effective January 1, 2015 and thereafter. The costs of Parenting time with the other parent is missed during vacation, and there is no requirement that it be made up. Holidays (includes birthdays): For more flood requirement information, you can contact the Flood Zone Administrator by calling the Franklin County Building Department. Seven judicial districts, in lightly populated areas of the Commonwealth, include two counties. (See Section 5a below), 2. The parties shall communicate regarding sleep schedules, feeding schedules, and any special dietary or other considerations for the child. Clothing: The parents shall cooperate in the exchange of the children's clothing prior to and following parenting time. This alternating weekend schedule shall not change, even when interrupted by holiday and birthday, summer and/or vacation parenting time. Local Rules Local Rules of the Tenth District Court of Appeals (PDF) Amended January 1, 2022 . In the event of a conflict between regular parenting time and holiday parenting time, holiday parenting time prevails. PLACE AT SUCH TIMES AND PLACES AS THE PARTIES MAY AGREE, BUT WILL NOT Changes or modifications can exchanges occur. a. Vacations: Each parent may arrange an uninterrupted vacation of not more than two weeks with the children. The assignment commissioner shall cause the style of the case and the proposed date for dismissal and termination to be published in the Daily Reporter. The parent with whom they are residing at the time of the activity shall provide the transportation to these activities. birthdays in odd numbered years, and Father shall have the children on Find local administrative orders and rules; Administrative Schedules. The parent exercising weekday evening parenting time shall be responsible for picking up AND returning the children for this parenting time. Judge David L. Petersen. Liberal parenting time arrangements are encouraged, as contact with both parents is important to the children. Notice of all extracurricular activities, school related, or otherwise, in which the children participate, schedules of all extracurricular activities (handwritten, if no formal schedule is provided by the activity) and the name of the activity leader (including address and telephone number if reasonably available) shall be exchanged between the parents. Children can call either parent as often as they wish, at reasonable times, so long as the call is collect if it is a long distance call. Addition, the non-possessory parent shall not change, even when interrupted by holiday and birthday, summer vacation... Commonwealth, include two counties Day and Father 's Day and Father shall have the weekday! 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